As interest in blockchain grows, game developers have a desire to build a blockchain system for their games. However, existing game developers have relatively poor background knowledge about blockchain compared to blockchain developers. Therefore, it is difficult to apply the blockchain system to the existing games.

As a blockchain developer, ITAM has been developing and publishing games, operating NFT Marketplace. With this experience of working on such various projects, we are aware of the difficulties of game developers. Therefore, we have developed a service that combines blockchain with general games.

ITAM Middleware, which was born from this background, helps to integrate blockchain systems into existing games. Developers can easily issue NFT to make in-game items tradable. ITAM operates the NFT Farm (NFT marketplace platform) to support safe escrow payments and the foundation for trading items.

NFT(Non-Fungible Token)

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. Unlike tokens such as Bitcoin that have been used for transactions, it is irreplaceable token. NFT technology gives signatures and ownership to photos, videos, audio, game data, and other types of digital files. Like its name non-fungible, there is only one NFT in the blockchain network. Each NFT is given a unique specification and ID, and copies are not accepted at all.

Muca Grimskicakes - "Werekitty"

Muca Grimskicakes - "Werekitty" Source:

Advantages of NFT

NFT's irreplaceable properties have the best conditions to apply to game items. The game item issued in NFT has its own charm. Ordinary game users have items in their inventory, but the actual ownership is held by the game company. Therefore, when a game company terminates its service, users lose all the items they have.

Ownership structure of items in existing games

Ownership structure of items in existing games

However, it will be different when blockchain is applied to the game system. It may vary depending on how much blockchain is applied to the game system, but basically, the ownership of the game item issued as NFT entirely belongs to the user. NFT game items give users trust because transaction details are transparently released on the blockchain. Also, even if the game terminates the service for some reason, the user does not lose the game item and holds it on the blockchain.

Ownership structure of items with in Blockchain games

Ownership structure of items with in Blockchain games

Trading items

Blockchain was developed to perform a transparent, decentralized virtual currency function. The transaction history of all tokens (coin, NFT, etc.) that exist on the blockchain is open to everyone. When goods such as game items are converted into NFT and uploaded to the blockchain, the user can freely transfer the NFT to others or even incinerate it.

NFT Game Item Utilization Path

NFT Game Item Utilization Path

Users can exchange their items with NFT or tokens that held by others. Although there is a way for users to exchange items directly, but sending items to unidentified user is risky.

As a solution to this, ITAM has developed a decentralized application (dApp) that creates and distributes smart contracts for these NFT transactions, and interacts with them to trade items. This decentralized NFT Marketplace service is NFT Farm.

The ITAM Middleware service provided by ITAM allows game companies to participate in this cycle. This service makes it easy to convert valuable game items to NFT. Users will be able to price game items on their own, and will have legitimate ownership. As a result, virtuous cycle is created - Users are recognized for the value of their own items, and game developers secure more users.

Virtuous cycle of games with NFT added

Virtuous cycle of games with NFT added

ITAM Middleware